New Haven Youth and Family Services
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Processes and Procedures
Youth Name: ______________________________________
Date of Birth: ______________________________________
The following set of New Haven processes & procedures were provided to me or offered to me at the time of admission:
X Contact Information
X Placement Agreement
X New Haven Code of Conduct
X Personal Property Policy, including Cash Resources
X Dress Code, Contraband, and Search & Seizure Policies
X Emergency Intervention Plan
X Phone Use & Visits
X AWOL (Runaway) Plan & Protocol
X Home Pass Policy & Drop-off Locations
X California Department of Education Universal Complaint Procedure
X Resident Complaint Procedure
X Non-Discrimination and Harassment Statement
By signing below, I acknowledge that the above listed Processes & Procedures, have been explained to me thoroughly and in detail.
____________________________________ __________
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or Representative Date
____________________________________ __________
Signature of Youth Date
____________________________________ __________
Signature of New Haven Representative Date