Specialized Interventions with Strong Outcomes
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) supports youth with serious emotional challenges.
This short-term, in-home program is designed in conjunction with the caregiver and a team of mental health specialists as a supplemental service. Our goal is to resolve targeted behaviors that jeopardize the youth’s current living situation and avoid the need for a higher level of care.
Therapeutic intervention is administered by a trained TBS coach who provides modeling, structure, support and immediate one-to-one intervention that assists the youth in managing and ultimately changing the troubling behavior.

After a comprehensive assessment of the youth and family, a mental health treatment plan is developed and reviewed monthly with the parent or caregiver. It includes a transition plan to equip parents and/or caregivers with skills and strategies. This is an essential step that helps create a positive environment and consistency for the family beyond TBS.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services are available through both New Haven’s San Diego and Riverside offices.
Christina's Story
Christina is a 13-year-old Hispanic girl who suffered from depression, bipolar disorder, and had a history of an eating disorder. The school district referred her to CBS citing severe school absences. Due to her mental health issues and consequent multiple hospitalizations, Christina had not been in school for over 6 months. The CBS team tried to initiate home visits but the mother and client were initially ambivalent about services and refused to meet with the team.
The CBS team was diligent in following up, however, and eventually were able to build enough trust to begin meeting with Christina and her mother regularly. The Parent Counselor began teaching Christina’s mother behavioral strategies to address Christina’s school avoidance, verbal aggression, and self-injurious behaviors. The Behavior Coach met Christina at home and then eventually at school to teach her coping skills to better manage her anxiety, depression, and frustration.
With the help of the CBS team, family cooperation increased which led to an increased involvement in services at the school. Christina and her family received CBS services for approximately 8 months, successfully graduated from services, and Christina is now attending school regularly with her teachers reporting no target behaviors.