New Haven Youth & Family Services
Discharge, Removal, and Termination
Youth Name: ___________________________________
Date of Birth: ___________________________________
In compliance with Community Care Licensing regulations, New Haven Youth and Family Services maintains the following policies and procedures governing a child’s removal, termination, or discharge from the program.
A child may be discharged from the agency when the following occurs:
- Treatment goals and objectives have been met and the family has achieved maximum benefit from the program and the youth is capable of being successful in a less restrictive environment
- The youth reaches the age of 18 and signs himself out or the funding agency denies funding for continued placement.
A child may be removed from the agency (possibly temporarily) to ensure the health and safety of the youth or other residents by the following means:
- Removed by law enforcement officials through arrest or detainment
- Removed for emergency medical or psychiatric purposes
Termination often results in the child being placed in a higher level of care or an out-of-state facility. A child may be terminated from the program for any of the following:
- A pattern of physical abuse, violence, or battery of another
- Involvement in theft, robbery, or fire setting
- Sexually inappropriate behavior
- A pattern of major destruction to agency or community property
- Serious behavioral or psychological problems that are unresponsive to treatment
- Long-term refusal to cooperate with the program or to work on treatment goals
- The youth is a danger to himself or others and can not be safely maintained
- The youth shows no further benefit from the program and is difficult to maintain safely.
All discharges, removals, and terminations are prior approved by the Clinical Director and coordinated with the Placement Worker through the Program Specialist, except for removals by the police and/or emergency circumstances requiring immediate or after-hours action. In most cases, discharges must be the result of a collaboration of the family, the PS, the placement worker and the school district through the IEP.
In the case of a school-funded placement, parents who choose to remove their child from the program without utilizing the IEP procedure may be at-risk for a loss of funding for further treatment or may be unable to register their child within their school district.
_________________________________________/ _____________
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or Authorized Representative / Date
_________________________________________/ _____________
Signature of NHYFS Representative or Witness/ Date